My first blog

 Hi, everyone, I'm Milos, and this is my first blog, let's get to know each other. I come from

Serbia, I am 18 years old and I have long imagined myself as a blogger, unfortunately, I failed to enroll in the desired high school, I believe that you all had a period in which they pressured you with questions, about what you want to enroll and what you want to deal with.

So I came up with the idea of enrolling in the Agricultural School as a food technician, I am currently
in my fourth senior year and I hope my hard work and work will pay off. Lost in my thoughts I seek answers to many questions, in which direction and in which direction to continue.

Likewise, many are "fleeing" abroad for a reason but I am not yet ready to take that step. I've been thinking for a long time and I've decided to work online, from my house, from my small screen. I've been interested in computers since I was a kid, and I've learned a lot, so it won't be a problem for me.

This blog will also be run by my girlfriend Sanella, with whom I will exchange opinions, suggest everything and achieve goals, she is 17 years old, and she goes to the School of Economics and deals with real economics and administration.We'il publish 2 to 5 blogs a week

The topics we looked at were an online business, our cuisine, and many interesting and motivational positive directions, both about life and personality. I hope

that someone would be found and that we would be helpful.

Most of the questions from people today are, why would anyone want to help me? Honestly, the answer to the question couldn't have been simpler. I see what the situation is in these small spaces of ours where people are fighting for a minimum wage, there is no account, education, children, travel, and everyday life and other needs. Someone hasn't yet    anywhere yet departed, because they're working from morning to tomorrow for a little money to cover the basics.

I mean, overnight earnings are nowhere to be found. It takes a lot of persistence, effort, desire, time, and of course most important confidence as well as will. The beginning has always been the hardest and stayed, no one knows you, you are not on the map, no one cares what you do and that you exist, of course, you have to fight because after the rain comes the sun.

I've seen a lot of examples of people and met, I'm just a novice here's my first blog but I have the desire and the will to succeed and to move forward and not look back. When we see the real 21st century, today most people have the internet. Social media has been turned into a shred of information,

 But all right, it all seems normal today. The conclusion I came to was to get on my own financially as soon as possible and make money fair and square. I can guarantee that online earnings aren't easy, but when you do, it feels priceless!

With respect Milos and Sanella <3
